Declaration of Intent for Legacy Gift
I intend to support Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity through the following type of gift:
Gift by Will
Gift of Property/Real Estate
Designation of Retirement Plan or IRA
Designation of Life Insurance Policy
Charitable Trust
Please explain:
Please tell us about your gift:
This gift is a percentage.
This gift is a specific amount.
This gift is will be a portion of the remainder.
With the understanding that values are subject to change, please provide your best estimate of the current value of the portion designated to GDM Habitat for Humanity in today's dollars.
With the understanding that values are subject to change, please provide your best estimate of the current value of the portion designated to GDM Habitat for Humanity in today's dollars.
With the understanding that values are subject to change, please provide your best estimate of the current value of the portion designated to GDM Habitat for Humanity in today's dollars.
Is this gift in honor or memory of someone?
Please select...
No, this is not an honorary or memorial gift.
Yes, this is an honorary gift.
Yes, this is a memorial gift.
Please provide the name or association with this person.
I would like this gift to be designated for the following purpose:
To be used wherever it is needed most.
To support work in Dallas County, Iowa
To support work in Jasper County, Iowa
Gift recognition
Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity may publish your name(s) in our list of Legacy Circle members, including on our website, as a motivation for others to leave a future gift to benefit affordable housing and neighborhood revitalization.
Please select...
Yes, please recognize me in listings of Legacy Circle members.
No, I would like this legacy gift to remain anonymous.
How would you like your name displayed?
Examples: John Smith or John and Jane Smith
Please confirm your contact information
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone number
Date of Birth
If you would like, please share with us what influenced your decision to leave an estate gift to Greater Des Moines Habitat for Humanity.
Digital Signature
Please type your name.
Today's Date
Contact Information